Sunday, May 10, 2009


Whoa,today was like hella fun.Spent almost the whole day with EST (:.We went to town to like walk around,and there was like totally nothing to buy la."we should get your wallet first."
"No,we should get yours first." LOL,we ended up not buying each other's wallet.HOW COOL.Anyway,she got the same phone,just that it's pink,rofl,(BLACK'S MUCH NICER,YOU GOTTA ADMIT IT)Stayed in town till about 4.30,then we cabbed to tm to get the screen protector and stuff.

Went to coffeebean for a while after that,baby had to fill in the cards for our mummmmys.rofl,thanks alot for the flowers,seriously,it was effing sweet(: Stayed till about 6 or so, then we parted ways ): rofl,parents came over for dinnner,and
baby went back home.Hopefully,we'll get to meet tomorrow or somethin yeah?Though you really have to studyyy.Your grades can't be pulled down,like seriously alright?

Today was seriously AWESOME,being able to spend it with YOU (: It seriously feeels extremely nicezxcxzc.anyway,there's only like 3 more papers,till the end of the MYE.It's seriously fast,which is good.Think ima go cycle later,then go for supper,tho' it's alrdy quite late.GOTTA CELEBRATE NICK'S BDAY FOR HIM YEAH?We feel damn bad for not doing anything,YESTERDAY,which was the actual date la.extremely sorry yeah.

YEPYEP,would post sooon.Take care and have a good day tmr! XOXO,myron.(LOVES ESTHER BIGTIME)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Camel meat is good for you.

Hey guyszxcz,it has been like a few days since last posted.It's like 1.37 now?gonna meet asssssssssther later i guess,wait,it's esther.yepyep.Today was fine,good thing lit's over.There's like 3 more papers to goo.HOW SWEET.Anyways,there's this survey/quiz thing which someone asked me to do, here it goessss (:

Have you ever showered with someone?
-yeahhhh,am effing proud of ittt.

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest for?
-Yeah,bloody idiot made me fall when we were playing ball.

Where are you right now?
-My room,you douchebag!

Are you listening to music right now?
-Stuck with each other-shontelle ft. akon

Who else is in the room with you?
-Alex,peter,jane,john and lily.They're all imaginary.

Ever kissed a blonde haired, blue eyed person?
-That's an effing DREAM-COME-TRUE for guys,isnt it?

What’s the worst way to say I love you?
-Eh,Mary,i love you.Eh wait,are you mary?

Would you curse in front of your parents?
-Yeah,maybe.yes,think,i don't know.

-What would you do if your best friend told you they were moving?
-I'll laught at them.Singapore's so small,move lorrrrrr.

How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?
-FINALLY HAVE KIDS?!come on la,i'd have a few next year.

Is there someone on your mind that shouldn't be?

Who do you love more than anything?
-family,friends,girlfriend,more friends,more girlfriends.(KIDDING!)

Do you want to fix things with anybody?
-Yeah,bloody light bulb in my room is spoilt,someone come and help me fix eh.

Have your parents ever smoked pot?

Closest black object?
-Jonathan toh,lol dont kill me!

Who is your last text from?
-Esther poh. (:

Was it a boy or a girl to text you first today?
-girly boyyyyy (:

Do you regret your last Summer?
-Eh,it's singapore here,summer 24/7 ! douche.

What should you be doing?

Are you slowly drifting away from someone close?

Who is the last person you kissed?
-Sally.EH,wait,or is it mary?sally,mary,sally,mary,Aiya,either one.

Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
-warm,come on la,how cold can s'pore get without an aircon?

What was the last thing you drank?
-PEEE?It tastes abit like ice lemon tea!seriously,you guys should try.

Three days in a hotel or NFL game tickets?
-7 hours in a shopping centre.

When you see a movie based on a book, do you go and read the book?
-NO,only nerds wait,i read too,does that make me a nerd?

Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
-YEAH,DUH.dumbassss ques.

Underwear or boxers?

What do you do when you're bored?
-Crawl under your mum's bed,and peep at what your parents are doing.

Gawd,the survey's like rather it's quite fun though.Hmm,goin out alr, to meeet ________.Seeeyou guys soon,oh yeah,good luck for the exams!


Monday, May 4, 2009

I don't want this moment to ever end
Where everythings nothing without you
I'll wait here forever just to see you smile
'Cause it's true, I am nothing without you
Through it all, I made my mistakes
I'd stumble and fall, but I mean these words,
I want you to know,With everything I won't let this go,
these words are my heart and soul,I'll hold on to this moment you know,
as I bleed my heart out to showAnd I won't let go.
Thoughts read unspoken, forever in doubt.
Pieces of memories fall to the ground,
I know what I didn't have so, I won't let this go'
Cause it's true, I am nothing without you.
All the streets where I walked alone, with nowhere to go.
I've come to an endI want you to knowWith everything I won't let this go,
these words are my heart and soul.I'll hold on to this moment you know,
as I bleed my heart out to show,And I won't let go.
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies.
When you don't know what you're looking to find
In front of your eyes, it falls from the skies.
When you just never know what you will find.
I don't want this moment to ever end,Where everythings nothing without you.
I want you to know,With everything I won't let this go,
these words are my heart and soulI'll hold on to this moment you know,
as I bleed my heart out to show And I won't let go
With everything I won't let this go, these words are my soul,
I'll hold on to this moment you know, as I bleed my heart out to show

And I won't let go

Saturday, April 25, 2009

"If i could be your angel"

Hey guys,have has your weekend been so far?Tdy was rather boring.Anyways,i just came back from cycling with jordaan.Uhm,hope tomorrow wld be less boring.Lets hope WE can meet tomorrow yeah?You're sick anyway.Do take good good good good care of yourself . That's about it,i'll prolly post again tomorrow.


Friday, April 24, 2009


Miss swthrt to the effing core!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"We the people."

"hey guys,hope tdy has been fine for all of you.Things have gotten better,since yesterday,when the bloody extra tried to spread effing rumours.(ONE MORE TIME,AND YOU'RE SERIOUSLY EFFING DEAD.)Never mind,i shan't waste my time postin about him.

Hmm,school was passed quite quickly, though it was extremely boring. Went to look for the storyteller during recess,and he kept denying whatever i asked him.LOSER.Please wake up will you?You've been saying that you wanna change and stuff,come on,you're changing,but for the worse.You even said that you're waiting for us to find trouble with you._.Be a little wiser would you?All you do is tell stories about people.Very fun ain't it?-.-When we went to look for you to clarify what you said,all you did was say"sorry,i said the wrong thing".Come on la,you wanted to look for trouble didn't you?Why was it that you only dared to say sorry?And please do not act like some big shot alright, though you're a red shirt and stuff. It's effing annoying for gawd's sake.GET A LIFE,WOULD YOU?

Uhhhhh, i feel so worked up now,thanks to the storyteller. Annoying shitzxcz.._.

YEAHNYWAYS,school ends at 10.00 tmr!Finally,we get smth like that.Instead of having a full day in school.Don't have any plans though, and the feeling of it sucks bigtime. Think ima edit this post later on yeah.Take care . XOXO.

"You're green and mean,in a good way ;D."

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

"Take this sinking boat,and point it home"

Hey guys, i haven't posted for like a week? yeah, around there. Hm,went for clement ng's b'day party on fri night, cycled to bedok with yuxiang before that, to meet jon, then went to do up the bike parts, and finally cycled back to pasir ris park for the bbq. It was quite alright i guess, many different cliques, here and there. So yeah,that was like the only bad thing, and quite alot of people got drunk,too . especially the birthday boy, lmao. HILARIOUS. Cycled home with dom at about 11.30.

Sat was rather boring. Didn't get to ride as alot of people weren't yeah,only cycled in the evening,and sorry EILEEN TAN,for not being able to lend you my bike,lol. hopefully you'll be able to get jon's bike for about $130 yeah?i'll help you bargain for it,☻

Sunday was even more boring,went out for lunch,and stayed home to rot after that.Exams are coming though,like real real soon, have to catch up with all my work,BIGTIME.

Today was fine,miss anne didn't turn up for lit class though,so it was rather fun. Had NAPFA after school,and it sucked LOTS.Couldnt do anything in uniform,so i guess i'd just take a re-test for everything,except 2.4.Went to downtown after everything,to eat.With clement
and co.Walked around for a while, and yeah, now i'm posting.

Yeap,think i'd post sometime soon. Take care and have a great week.

"You are extremely S.E.L.F.I.S.H"
"You are extremely U.N.O.R.I.G.I.N.A.L"
"You are extremely W.E.I.R.D"

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Your hair is extremely adorable, seriously,mummy was right.aha,and about the autograph,you still owe me a big big one ("p)school was fine today,stayed back after school,but there wasn't training.Hmmm,it's like 8.50 now,i wanna go sleep soon.quite tired.would post soon,maybe tomorrow or somethin?seeya,have a great weeeeeeeek ;D

"my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my oh my."

Monday, April 13, 2009

"without you"

Hey,this post is really for you,and only you.Things haven't been goin' well for you,especially after what has just happened.(think you should know what i'm talkin about yeah?)Soooo,i think you've just gotta loosen up abit alright,don't think too much,hopefully,things would get better for you.It really was my loss that day,when i passed by without seeing you,lmao.didn't know there could be such a coincidence,oh well,lets hope it happens sometime soon,AGAIN.;D soo yeah,that's about it,just DO NOT THINK TOO MUCH,and things would be fine yeah?don't worry,XOXO.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Shit,today's sunday.there's schoooool tomorrow.waking up early would really be a big big problem.went riding just now with jordaan,wanted to head to sunplaza park,but it started to drizzle when we were halfway there WTF,so we turned back.cycled around for about half an hour,then we went back home,it was effing boring la.All you'd want is to get ready to ride,and when you get to ride,it starts to rain,how sweet.Should be going out for dinner in about an hour's time.I WANNA GO RIDE BADLY,WHO WANTS TO GO TOOOOOO?!

"I seriously didn't see you,lmao."

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Friday, April 3, 2009

"You found me..."

Hey guys,how's everything going?Dom,amos,clement and yuxiang came over yesterday,lmao.Played guitar hero till about 10.30,then we cycled to dom's place to drop him off,and went back to my place again.Clement and amos stayed over,lol.Woke up,played a lil' bit of GH,then cycled to loyang point to get some food.So now,i'm posting.Ummm,i'll edit this post tonight i guess,hope you guys have a great weekend,cheeeeeeers.♪

"Baby just say goodnight,i'll be gone tomorrow,
baby just close your eyes,i can't take the sorrow,
baby just walk away,you know i can't stay,
but there's no easy way to say goodbye,
so baby just say goodnight."

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Thank god it's friday.This week was such a bummer.Lessons were boring to the effing coreeeeeeee.We're stayin back for bball tomorrow i guess,sincerely hope that the WHOLE team could reunite,like before.there're like so many cliques among our team,shouldn't we just have 1?Yeah,so we'd slowly work towards that,i think.Sooooo,besides that,think there's nothin' else to worry about eh? Oh yeah,it's PTC tmr,oh well,my parents ain't going,so i shouldn't worry.Yup,that's about it,shall post sometime soon.Take care and have fun.♫

"We can't make up for the lost times that we both apologize for,
i can't stand the fact that this extremity is the centre of my day."

Monday, March 30, 2009

monday blues.

Hey, how've you guys been?the past few days were extremely horrid,being down with a viral infection WTF.Couldn't drink this,couldn't drink that,couldn't eat this,couldn't eat that.Fever was up to about 41 degrees,lmao,then went to cgh for some meds,how cool.crap,it was a pain in the assss.Shld be goin back to school tomorrow,if everything's fine.Have a whole effing lot of work to catch up with WTFFF.SOOOO,have a great week ahead,and yeah,i'll post soooon .☺☻

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I'd stick to this one.

LOL,guys,i'm so sorry for creating and deleting my blogs,lol,and also for chaing the urls.Sorry for bein' sucha pain in the assssss.Yeap,prolly would stick to this blog and not change things anymore.Sooo,hope the hols have been great for you guys.Would start posting proper posts from tmr onwards i guess,take care!;D