Thursday, April 2, 2009


Thank god it's friday.This week was such a bummer.Lessons were boring to the effing coreeeeeeee.We're stayin back for bball tomorrow i guess,sincerely hope that the WHOLE team could reunite,like before.there're like so many cliques among our team,shouldn't we just have 1?Yeah,so we'd slowly work towards that,i think.Sooooo,besides that,think there's nothin' else to worry about eh? Oh yeah,it's PTC tmr,oh well,my parents ain't going,so i shouldn't worry.Yup,that's about it,shall post sometime soon.Take care and have fun.♫

"We can't make up for the lost times that we both apologize for,
i can't stand the fact that this extremity is the centre of my day."

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